• The Situation

    We are in an energy crisis in South Africa, with unreliable power sources and electricity distribution systems. And it is FRUSTRATING to have no lights.

  • The First Problem

    What do you actually need?

    What are you in for cost-wise?

    Is it worth it?

  • The Second Problem

    Finding solutions can be fraught with complex articles, industry jargon and people willing to take advantage of people needing assistance.

  • The Solution

    We can help makes sense of all this. And we are bona fide geeks with a passion for problem solving and green energy.

    We've got the bases covered.

  • What appliances can I run on my inverter?

    What appliances can I run on my inverter?

    What can I run on a 1kVA inverter? A 1kVA inverter can typically run:  A few LED lights TV/Decoder Wi-Fi This option is great if you just want to have...

    What appliances can I run on my inverter?

    What can I run on a 1kVA inverter? A 1kVA inverter can typically run:  A few LED lights TV/Decoder Wi-Fi This option is great if you just want to have...

  • How does an Inverter system work?

    How does an Inverter system work?

    A simple summary of the basics of an inverter system, and how to get started. Please leave us some questions if there are other things you need to know.

    How does an Inverter system work?

    A simple summary of the basics of an inverter system, and how to get started. Please leave us some questions if there are other things you need to know.

  • What size system do I need?

    MatSolo has an energy meter that we insist on putting onto your distribution board so that we can better understand your load profile and can offer the best solution to you, your budget and any plans that you have for the future.

    We measure before we design. There is no "thumb-sucking". We use actual information.

  • I want to install solar, but I need a payment plan

    We can help.

    We have a few monthly payment options from 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 month options. Once the payments are complete - you own the system. It is yours.

    *T's and C's do apply.

  • I have an existing system - and it doesn't work for me.

    This is always a difficult one, but we are happy to help. Some issues we have encountered:

    • Tripping issues
    • Incorrect loads on your essential circuits
    • Your bill has increased
    • Just don't understand what is going on
    • You think the settings could be improved
  • I need a system maintenance plan

    I need a set maintenance plan to check that my system is working optimally.

    • Panel cleaning
    • Check fuses
    • Check settings
    • At set intervals throughout the year